Just-in-Time Information Propagation (WebVigiL)
Data on the web is constantly increasing. Many a times, users are interested in specific changes to the data on the web. Currently, in order to detect changes of interest, users have to poll the pages and check for the changes he/she is interested in. Efficient and effective change detection and notification is critical in many environments where a lot of resources are wasted in monitoring changes to the web manually. WebVigiL is a change monitoring system, which efficiently monitors changes to the page on behalf of the user and notifies the changes in a timely manner. It handles the specification, management, and propagation of changes as requested by a user while meeting the quality of service requirements.
WebVigiL is a change detection and notification system detect changes to structured\unstructured documents. Use of a new paradigm for monitoring information to structured documents. The current work addresses HTML/XML documents. WebVigiL objectives: i) Adapt and use previous work on active capability ii) Investigate user specification/profiles iii) management and propagation of changes in a timely manner, iv) meeting quality of service requirements ,v) Efficient and effective change detection and notification
The proposed system - termed WebVigiL provides a powerful way to disseminate information efficiently without sending unnecessary or irrelevant information. It also frees the user from having to constantly monitor for changes using the pull paradigm. Active rules have been proposed as a paradigm to satisfy the needs of many database and other applications that require a timely response to situations. Event-Condition-Action (or ECA) rules are used to capture the active capability in a system. The utility and functionality of active capability (ECA rules) has been well established in the context of databases. In order for the active capability to be useful for a large class of advanced applications, it is necessary to go beyond what has been proposed/developed in the context of databases. We believe that some of the techniques developed for active databases, when extended appropriately along with new research extensions will provide a solution to the above class of problems. Read more
- Sharma Chakravarthy, Jyoti Jacob, Naveen Pandrangi, Anoop Sanka, Web Vigil: An approach to Just-In-Time Information Propagation in Large Network-Centric Environments, The 2nd International Workshop on Web Dynamics In conjunction with Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference, May 2002.
- Jyoti Jacob,Anoop Sanka ,Naveen Pandrangi,Sharma Chakravarthy, WebVigiL: An approach to Just-In-Time Information Propagation In Large Network-Centric Environments, in Web Dynamics Book. 2003, Springer-Verlag.
- Sharma Chakravarthy, Ray Liuzzi, and L. Wong, Intelligent Agents for Effective Support of Push Technology, In the Proc. of The 2001 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI ' 01: June 23-26, 2001, Las Vegas, USA)
- Sharma Chakravarthy, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Ray Liuzzi, and L. Wong, Agent-Based middleware for Supporting Active Capability in RDBMSs(to appear) In the Proc. Of The 2002 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'02: June 24-27, 2002, Las Vegas, USA)
- Naveen Pandrangi, Jyoti Jacob, Anoop Sanka, Sharma Chakravarthy: WebVigiL: User Profile-Based Change Detection for HTML/XML Documents. BNCOD 2003: 38-57
- Jyoti Jacob, Alpa Sachde, Sharma Chakravarthy: CX-DIFF: A Change Detection Algorithm for XML Content and Change Presentation Issues for WebVigiL. ER Workshops 2003: 273-284
- Sharma Chakravarthy, Anoop Sanka, Jyoti Jacob, Naveen Pandrangi, A Learning-Based Approach for Fetching Pages in WebVigiL, in Proc of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), March 2004.
- Ajay Eppili, Jyoti Jacob, Alpa Sachde, Sharma Chakravarthy: Expressive Profile Specification and Its Semantics for a Web Monitoring System. ER 2004: 420-433
- Jyoti Jacob, Anoop Sanka, Naveen Pandrangi, Sharma Chakravarthy: WebVigiL: An Approach to Just-In-Time Information Propagation in Large Network-Centric Environments. Web Dynamics 2004: 301-318
- Jyoti Jacob, Alpa Sachde, Sharma Chakravarthy: CX-DIFF: a change detection algorithm for XML content and change visualization for WebVigiL. Data Knowl. Eng. 52(2): 209-230 (2005)
- Sharavan Chamakura, Alpa Sachde, Sharma Chakravarthy, Akshaya Arora: WEBVIGIL: Monitoring Multiple Web Pages and Presentation of XML Pages. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1276
WebVigiL is supported, in part by,
- The Office of Naval Research
- The SPAWAR System Center-San Diego
- The Rome Laboratory (grant F30602-01-2-05430),
- and by, NSF (grant IIS-0123730)