Sharma Chakravarthy, Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
The University of Texas at Arlington (aka UT Arlington or UTA)
Office: ERB 632
Email: sharmac[at]cse[dot]uta[edu]
Welcome to my research and teaching home page!
My computer science research has spanned 40+ years (starting in 1975 at TIFR, Bombay, India) based on the philosophy briefly outlined below. My teaching philosophy and the courses i have taught can be found under the teaching tab.
The Information Technology Laboratory or IT Lab (part of the CSE Department at UTA) is actively involved in research and development on all aspects of information technology: Big data analytics, mining, machine learning, optimization, scalability, and information fusion/ibtegration.
The vision of IT Lab can be summarized as:
- Carry out both fundamental theoretical and practically applicable research & development
- Interact and collaborate with industry/Govt/federal agencies and academia for identifying fundamental problems
- Provide a viable migration path (transition) for integrating new techniques/solutions into real-world systems/applications
I am seeking industry collaborators and project partners to pursue solutions to problems that are of interest to dealing with large, diverse data types. I am interested in transferring technology currently available at IT Lab to real-world applications. I am also interested in applying novel ways of teaching to maximize student participation and learning, understanding, and practcal application of concepts!
BPC: IT Lab wishes to recruit under-represented groups (females, hispanics/Latino, african-americans, ...) for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) research at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Please contact me using the email below.
If you would like to know more about the IT Lab and how to collaborate with us, please email your CV and your ineterests
Motto: Complex Data Analysis: Load data.Analyze.Visualize.Share.Interact.Learn!
Please look around and enjoy!